Looking for a way to maximize your small entryway and minimize your stress? Check out these easy small entryway solutions!

Moment of total honesty? Our entryway drives me nuts!
It is the area is our home that becomes the most disorganized disaster in the blink of an eye.
3 kids x all of their things + things not going back in the right place + trying to get out the door on time = chaos!
The amount of times I ask one of my children where xyz item is comical at this point.
So, to save my sanity, I decided it was time to organize the entryway (in a very easy and frugal way!).
Along the way I’ve gathered a list of simple small entryway solutions if you (like me) struggle with entryway stress!
Small Entryway Solutions
Entryways have to work really hard.
It is a storage space as much as it is a “get ready” space and a “greet the guests” or “get out the door” space. Not to mention for some like us, it is a hallway from one part of the house to another.
An entryway needs to be many different things for every member of the family. It is a daunting task but I believe with some easy solutions, it is made a little less so.
1. Take everything out that doesn’t *have* to be there
Random socks that have been there for 8 months, receipts, garbage, unworn coats, expired sunscreen… get it OUT!
So often the entryway closet becomes a storage ground for clutter. Without realizing it, the stress of the accumulation begins to seep into other areas of our lives.
Suddenly getting out the door is made so much more difficult (than it already can be) simply because you are trying to manage extra items that do not need to be there.
Decide what will be stored in your entryway that will help with your lifestyle and then get the rest out!
2. Consider the season
Building off of my first tip, be sure to consider the season when deciding what should stay or go in your entryway.
If it is in the middle of summer, winter coats can be stored somewhere out of sight, out of mind, and out of your way!
Only keep pieces in in your entryway that makes sense for you to use in that season.
3. Invest in some clear bins
The key is clear!
I cannot tell you how many times I have tried to use random baskets from around the house and failed to keep the closet under control. I couldn’t see what I had so everything became harder to maintain.
It is really important to see what you are storing. Even if you do know what each bin contains, on mornings when you are trying desperately to get out the door, you will be so glad to not have to think about anything extra.
I scored clear bins from Dollarama for around $4 each! If you’re looking for something that can be shipped right to your doorstep, here is a similar option!

4. Label maker!
It took me way too long to purchase a label maker.
This is where my thrifty brain and organized brain get in fights.
My thrifty brain tells me there are more important things to spend money on whereas my organized brain says “we need systems!!!”
I finally took the plunge and I can say with total confidence that label makers are in fact worth it! And, for those who are also thrifty brained – try getting it second hand!
I knew I needed a label maker to make this entryway closet come together so I ordered this one on sale (with two-day shipping) so I could get started without delay!

5. Keep like items together
Think zones for your stuff!
All the shoes go together in one section. All of the hats get stored in a clear bin within easy reach on a shelf. Backpacks get hung up together on hooks.
How this looks will be unique to you and your home. But one thing is for sure, knowing where each type of item is stored makes life so much easier!

4. Commit to putting items away
I am not always very diligent about putting all of our items back in their place. With young kids, I don’t always feel like putting things away for the 47th time. That being said, I notice when I don’t put items away, I come back to the space feeling even more stressed than before.
It takes less than 2 minutes to put items away in a designated spot. Is it annoying after a long day? Kinda. Does it take everything out of you with young kids? Yup.
BUT! The positive side-effects make it 100% worth it.
6. Regular maintenance
And of course, the key to keeping a simplified entryway is regular maintenance.
I like to do this once a season when I’m transitioning out of certain clothing items. If I am already going through the closet each season, it makes sense to invest extra energy to tidy and clean!
Each time I do maintenance I also take some time to reflect on what is and isn’t working in the space. I will make changes as I feel the season of life requires.
Curious to see the before photos from our spring entryway clean? Check them out below!

This post was about 7 easy steps to maintaining a stress-free entryway!
What step resonates with you the most? I would love to hear all about it in the comments below!
Are you looking for more tips to simplify your home? Check out this post all about my best kitchen tips!
Here’s to entryways that don’t make us want to pull out our hair!