Want to know the best kitchen tips that everyone should know? Keep reading for my favourite simple kitchen tips to keep your space clean and organized!

When our kitchen is functioning at its best, it is one of my favourite spaces in our home.
So much living happens while we are making, eating and cleaning up meals. Our kitchen is filled to the brim with conversation, laughter, fun and sometimes tough conversations! It truly is the hub of the home!
That is why the kitchen is one of the main rooms in our home that gets prioritized for daily maintenance of cleaning and organizing! The kitchen works hard for us, so taking care of it is important.
This post is all about my favourite simple kitchen tips to help you keep your space clean and organized!
Simple Kitchen Tips
Our kitchen has experienced its fair share of wear and tear. From spilled pancake batter, to sticky peanut butter fingers…. to that explosive bottle of chipotle mayo I will never live down. Please imagine opening up a new bottle of BRIGHT orange chipotle mayo only for it to EXPLODE all over the white tile, walls and ceiling. The ceiling lives to tell the tale… but bares the (grease) scars to prove it!
It is a little hilarious thinking about giving my favourite kitchen tips considering quite often our kitchen looks like a tornado* has run through it.
*Otherwise known as our 3 children under the age of 6.
That being said, this is a topic I’m passionate about because of how much the kitchen impacts our daily life.
These tips are not about keeping your kitchen clean EVERY moment of the day…that would be unrealistic for most of us.
On the contrary, the tips below are meant to be SIMPLE and easy to integrate.
1. Regular Kitchen Maintenance
I’m starting with the most unpopular tip. Stick with me!
The key to a clean and organized kitchen is to maintain a clean and organized kitchen.
This means doing the same daily tasks over and over. The dishes get done and put away after meals, the floors get cleared and the counters get wiped down.
It can feel repetitive and monotonous but it is these daily actions that make keeping a clean and organized kitchen a reality.
Is there an expectation to do this perfectly every day? NO! But the more it becomes a habit, the easier it is to maintain. When it becomes a part of your daily routine, it becomes second nature.
2. Organize In A Way That Makes Sense To You
Are you a sucker for all of the organizing shows?
I was watching the Home Edit on YouTube before they had a Netflix series. You might call me an organization super fan!
What I like about the Home Edit is that they get to know each family before they organize. They put things where they make the most sense for the people living in the space.
Do I think it’s necessary to buy all matching jars and containers? No, I really don’t. It looks beautiful (and everyone can do what works best for them!) but don’t let the organization tools stop you from creating an organized kitchen that works well for you.
I personally would rather spend money on other household items. Instead, I will shop our home or thrift tools that can help me stay organized at a fraction of the cost.
When it comes to organizing our kitchen cabinet, I switch things around as our needs change. Currently my youngest is into every cabinet and drawer. This means I am more strategic about where I store certain items (like spices and snacks).
I recently rearranged the spice drawer so that he cannot reach it. Check out the before and after!

3. Only Keep What You Use
I’ve said it on here before, the only thing I’m not minimal about are books. I’m usually pretty ruthless about everything else. If it doesn’t serve our family, it’s out the door!
This is KEY in a kitchen where space is often limited. Keeping tools we *might* use, *intend* to use, or feel *guilty* not using have no place taking up real estate in the kitchen.
For years we had an Instant Pot taking up a ton of room in our cabinets. I felt guilty that I bought it and never used it. I was frustrated that every time I did use it, the meal didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to.
When we just decided to sell it to someone who would actually use it?
I was so relieved!
Not only did I not have to maintain a spot to store it, I now no longer had the guilt of not using it.
There is a beautiful simplicity in only keeping what you actually use!
4. Use The Right Products
Is there anything more frustrating than trying to clean with the WRONG products?
I will admit, for so many years I had no idea what I was doing when it came to cleaning.
It impacted how I felt in our kitchen because it never felt as clean as I wanted it to feel.
When I started to clean the Go Clean Co way, things took a turn for the best!
My favourite cleaning products for the kitchen are: microfiber cloths, a dish scrubber, Tide powder (for the counters and floors), Dawn Powerwash (for the stove), and Mr. Clean (for grease). I also like to have a kid-friendly cleaning spray on hand (for quick clean up that every family member can help with).

5. Close The Kitchen Every Night
I’ve been starting to tell my little ones after dinner, “it’s time to close the kitchen!”.
This simply means, it’s time to clean up for the day (no more mess!).
Tidying up the kitchen every night is a daily habit you will LOVE yourself for in the morning.
It goes along with the idea of doing something now that will help yourself later.
Everyone loves waking up to a clean kitchen. It is a wonderful way to start each day on a positive note.
Having to clean up yesterday’s mess? It is a sure fire way to feel a little grumpy before the day really begins.
This post has been about the best simple kitchen tips to have a clean and organized space!
It is normal for our kitchens to go through periods of messiness! A messy kitchen is just a sign of living! Following these simple tips will ensure you can maintain a clean and organized kitchen while giving yourself permission to let life happen inside of it.
No matter what season of life you find yourself in, I hope these tips feel manageable and doable!
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