I had just hulked our 7ft fraser fir down the stairs, leaving a trail of pine needles in its wake. The house was a disaster from another Christmas gone by. Decorations scattered around the house ready to be put away until next year. Dishes taking over the countertop. Every area of our home needed a desperate tidy. I was planning to tackle it during quiet time.
But then there was that little voice, the one that whispers every so often, “start the blog”.
A few years ago, while driving in the car with my husband, I told him I wanted to start a blog.
The moment I said it out loud I immediately wanted to back-pedal. Imposter syndrome is as overbearing as a backseat driver, am I right?
I mean, there were so many reasons why starting a blog was not the comfortable choice. I didn’t know the first thing about making a website. I wasn’t sure I wanted anyone to read it. I doubted my ability to commit.
While listing all of my reasons, my husband lovingly reminded me I have a little something called analysis paralysis.
So in the middle I sat, not ready to decide which way to turn.
Analysis paralysis is an inability to make a decision due to overthinking a problem. The result is endless wrangling over the upsides and downsides of each option, and an inability to pick one.
(Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Jess. A textbook overthinker. At the heart of every decision I haven’t been able to make is the fear of making the wrong choice).
I thought I would have wanted the sparkling lights to linger a little longer. I was surprised by how ready I was to take down the tree, and with it, my defences around starting a blog.
Maybe I just needed a few years to realize the analysis paralysis was an important part in getting here. I needed to wrestle with the idea the way I wrestled the Christmas tree down the stairs. I needed to sit in the indecision in order for the Lord to prepare my heart to step on the gas pedal.
I can finally say I’m ready to buckle up and begin. I’m so happy you’re here!